78% of B2B buyers
shortlist only 3 vendors.
Are you in the Top 3?

78% of B2B buyers
shortlist only 3 vendors.
Are you in the Top 3?

78% of B2B buyers
shortlist only 3 vendors.
Are you in the Top 3?

DataOrb monitors your competitors, captures data in real time & alerts you with relevant intel & insights. So you can:

DataOrb monitors your competitors, captures data in real time & alerts you with relevant intel & insights. So you can:

DataOrb monitors your competitors, captures data in real time & alerts you with relevant intel & insights. So you can:

Position your product accurately 

Ship impactful features

Win competitive deals backed by data & insights 

Position your product accurately 

Ship impactful features

Win competitive deals backed by data & insights 

Position your product accurately 

Ship impactful features

Win competitive deals backed by data & insights 

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Assets Main Hero
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78% of B2B Buyers Shortlist Only 3 Vendors.
Are you in the Top 3?

DataOrb monitors your competitors, captures data in real time & alerts you with relevant intel & insights. So you can:

Position your product accurately 

Ship impactful features

Win competitive deals Easily

Track your first competitor- its free

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These companies use
competitive intel to Dominate their Market

These companies use
competitive intel to Dominate their Market

These companies use Competitive Intelligence
to dominate their Market



Executives keep an
eye on their
potential competitors



CEO’s said they are
concerned about



Companies say gaining a
market advantage is a top 3



Fortune 500 companies use
competitive intel to
gain an advantage

Capture every move your competitors make.

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Collect intel on unlimited competitive products & services

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Track competitor website, feature & pricing changes

Collect intel on unlimited competitive products & services

Research historical intelligence on competitors & markets

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Use Competitive Intelligence to...

Use Competitive Intelligence to...

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Deals with Data &


Close Competitive
Deals with Data &


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Why You are Better

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Why You are Better

Position your product

in your Market

Position your product

in your Market

You can Start Now In < 1 minute

Choose Whichever
makes Sense For you

Start Now in < 1 minute

Track 3 competitors

Monitor pricing changes

Monitor pricing changes

Monitor website changes

Monitor website changes

Monitor feature releases

Monitor feature releases

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Competitive intel via custom data

Competitive intel via custom data

Everything in Starter

Everything in Starter

Unlimited Competitor tracking

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Identify your top competitors—and Show Your Buyers you're better than them.

Identify your top competitors—and Show Your Buyers you're better than them.

Capture your competitors
every move

Get real-time alerts

Get valuable market, competitor
& buyer data in one place

Get valuable market, competitor
& buyer data in one place

Track your first competitor - its free

Track your first competitor - its free

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